Dr. Berry is one of the 1st Advanced Certified Chiropractic Biophysics Doctors in the World.
Robert Berry graduated with a BS in Medical technology and a BS in Biology from State University of New York at Fredonia and in 1996 he graduated from NYCC. Dr. Berry was an adjunct professor at NYCC from 2000-2002 where he taught the CBP elective course.
Dr. Berry started Berry Translations in 1999, a chiropractic equipment business which has gone international. The patented Berry Lateral Translation Traction unit has proved integral in achieving optimal correction in CBP offices around the world.
In 2001, Dr. Berry was named “Chiropractic Biophysics Doctor of the Year” for his contributions to the field of Chiropractic Biophysics. In 2006 he was awarded Chiropractic Biophysic’s Outstanding Achievement Award for his efforts and contributions in the field of chiropractic education.
Dr. Berry has been a member of the New York Chiropractic Council. Dr. Berry has owned and operated a full time private practice of Chiropractic 20 years where one of his main treatment focuses is providing high quality CBP Technique procedures to presenting patient populations. Dr. Berry is a contributing author of the PCCRP Chiropractic Radiography Guidelines ( for the whole profession) and was also a contributing author to the Chiropractic treatment guidelines (ICA Best Practices)